วันศุกร์ที่ 5 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2564

School Administrators' Opinions of Adapted Physical Education Services

 School Administrators' Opinions of Adapted Physical Education Services

Bittner, Melissa; McNamara, Scott; Katz, Heather; Silliman-French, Lisa
Journal of Special Education Leadership, v33 n1 p36-44 Mar 2020
School administrators oversee and monitor specially designed programming for students with disabilities to ensure they receive appropriate services. School administrators, however, may be unprepared for the diverse roles that are needed to ensure students with disabilities receive an appropriate education (Edwards, 2012) including in adapted physical education (APE). The purpose of this investigation was to determine school administrators' opinions of the importance of APE services for students with disabilities. The "School Administrators' Opinions Toward APE Services Survey" was administered to 200 school administrators throughout the state of Texas to determine school administrators' opinions of APE. Descriptive statistics were reported and a factor analysis yielded a four-factor solution for the opinions toward level of importance. Findings show: (1) school administrators had low opinions toward APE and opinions of APE services were low when compared to other special education services; (2) female school administrators in Texas have higher overall opinions towards APE services compared to their male counterparts; and (3) school administrators that directly supervise APE teachers have generally more positive opinions toward APE services. Based on the results of this investigation, it was concluded that school administrators have generally low opinions toward the importance of APE services for students with disabilities. There is an essential need to understand school administrators' opinions of APE, which has often been overlooked within the field of special education, and develop strategies to improve school administrators' opinions of APE services.
Council of Administrators of Special Education. 1675 East Seminole Street Suite L1, Springfield, MO 65804. Tel: 417-427-7720; Fax: 417-427-6520; e-mail: office@casecec.org; Web site: https://www.casecec.org/journal
Publication Type: Journal Articles; Reports - Research
Education Level: N/A
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: N/A
Identifiers - Location: Texas
Identifiers - Laws, Policies, & Programs: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

Bittner, Melissa; Scott.M, ; Heather.K; Lisa.S.F,  (2020) School Administrators' Opinions of Adapted Physical Education Services,Journal of Special Education Leadership, v33 n1 p36-44

